Phosphorus Budget of Farmland in Crop-Animal Mixed Farming Area: A Case Study of Yucheng County in Shandong Province 种养结合生产区农田磷素平衡分析&以山东禹城为例
The Analysis of Characteristics of Soil and Water Loss and Its Affecting Factors in the Karst Mountainous Farming Area of Chongqing 重庆市喀斯特山地农耕区水土流失特征及其影响因素分析
The best approach is probably a very hard endgame farming area balanced to require at least one defensive skill, but not all of them. 最大的变化估计是非常困难去选择最终副本区域所需要的防御技能,但这是仅仅其中的一个。
It will be the long-term strategic selection to develop the minor crops production and industrialization in the Loess Plateau dry farming area. 因地制宜,大力发展小杂粮生产,促进其产业开发,是黄土高原旱作农区农业发展的必然选择。
Mandarin vole is one of the harmful rodents which lives underground in all it's life, in the dry farming area of loess plateau in Lingbao city, Henan province. 黄土高原旱作区河南省灵宝市一带,农田主要害鼠为终生营地下活动的棕色田鼠。
The minor crops are tradition grain crops and the important industrial crops in dry farming area of the Loess Plateau, occupy the main body status in the crops production since the ancient times. 小杂粮是黄土高原旱作农区传统的粮食作物和重要的经济作物,自古以来一直在作物生产中占有重要地位。
The Driving Forces of Scientific Progress and Social Development on Farming-Pastoral Transitional Zone in Farming Area& A Case of Wuchuan County 农牧交错带以农为主区科技进步和社会发展对农用地面积变化的影响&以武川县为例
An experiment on Mix-sowing of oats and common vetch in farming area of Qinghai 青海东部农区不同山地燕麦与箭舌豌豆混播试验初报
Effects of no-tillage on wheat powdery mildew in the loess plateau dryland farming area 黄土高原旱作农业区少免耕对小麦***病的影响
Exploiting numeric-management system of sheep in farming area 农区绵羊数字化管理系统的开发
Grass economic is a very important portion of domestic economic from ancient to modern word both in the pasturage and the farming area. 从古到今,草业经济是国民经济中极为重要的部分,无论在畜牧养殖区还是在农耕种植区。
The precipitation is not stable in dryland farming area, it is also difficult to support water according to crop demand in irrigation area, water and fertilizer can not cooperation well according to people expect. 旱农地区降水变动不定,灌溉区也常常难以按作物需求理想供水,水、肥配合很难如愿以偿。
Northeast semi-arid region is one of the main parts of the north dry farming area, most of which have no irrigation water resources. 东北半干旱区是我国北方旱农地区的重要组成部分,多数地区没有灌溉水源。
The application and expectation of the technology of digital design using in mechanization of farming area 数字化设计技术在农业机械化领域中的应用及展望
These indicated that cage fish farming had heavily polluted the sediment environment in cage fish farming area, and the seasonal changes of pollution degree appeared to be related to the seasonal cycle of fish farming production. 海水鱼类网箱养殖已对养殖区沉积环境造成了严重污染,其污染程度的季节变化与养殖生产的季节周期有密切关系。
Diversity of Bird Species in the Partial Farming Area, Sichuan Province 四川局部农耕区鸟类物种多样性
Building condition and benefit analysis of mini-type underground conservation pool in red soil farming area of Panxi 攀西红壤农耕区小型地下蓄水池的建造条件与效益分析
Reform of agricultural structure and its benefits in the semiarid rainfed farming area in Guyuan Ningxia 宁夏固原半干旱旱作农区农业结构改革及效益研究
Hailun County is located in the high cold dryland farming area. 海伦县属高寒旱作农区。
The paper pointed out Ordos and Alxa Plateau were pastoral area, Boundary of Song and Tangut, Hexi Corridor belonged to mixed pastoral& farming area, Ningxia Plain was fanning area. 指出了西夏具体的经济区划:鄂尔多斯、阿拉善高原为畜牧区,宋夏沿边、河西走廊为半农半牧区、宁夏平原为农耕区。
The Application of Information Management of Dairy Cattle in Farming Area 农区奶牛数字化管理系统应用
Loess Plateau is the important dry farming area of North China,. and resulting in land degradation, the ecological environment further deterioration and lead to soil erosion for turning too times on top soil of traditional farming methods. 黄土高原作为我国北方重要的旱作农区,由于降雨稀少,加之传统耕作方式使耕地质量下降、水土流失加剧、生态环境恶化。
The dryland farming area in northern China is the key development area for grain production in twenty-first century. The imbalance spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall and seasonal drought seriously restrict the increase of agricultural productivity in this area. 北方旱作农业区是中国21世纪粮食生产的重点开发地区,降水时空分布的不均衡以及季节性干旱严重制约了该区农业生产力的提高。
The mineralization of sediment in shoal farming area, especially in aging area produces methane. It can pollute sediment and water, impact the growth of animal and plant, and release methane to air. 滩涂养殖区域尤其老化区域的沉积物经过矿化最终会产生CH4等,污染底质和水质,影响生物的生长,并向大气中释放甲烷等温室气体。
Water shortage is the main limiting factor for crop productivity of dryland farming area in Loess Plateau. So how to improve water use efficiency ( WUE) of crops, which is using the limited water to increase yield, is very important. 水资源短缺是黄土高原旱作农业区生产力发展的主要制约因素,如何提高水分利用效率,利用有限的水资源增加作物产量对该区域农业可持续发展有重要意义。
As an valuable aquaculture species, turbot farming area are expanded continuously. 大菱鲆作为名贵养殖品种,养殖面积不断扩大。
Since 1980 it has been introduced into our country, demand for seed has been grown with farming area of expanding. 自1980年被引入我国后,虾夷扇贝的养殖面积不断扩大,对苗种的需求也不断增加。
Farming area of Corbicula fluminea in China is large and its yield is high, its development and utilization has great potential. 我国河蚬养殖面积大、产量高,其开发利用具有巨大的潜力。
Of course, small-scale farming area community network of relationships also influence the relationship between the agricultural industry in-depth geographical, agricultural technology and agricultural production, infrastructure does not improve the efficiency of agricultural production. 当然,农区社区的小范围人际关系网也影响力了农业业缘关系的深入,农业技术和农业生产的基础设施得不到改善,使农业生产的效率得不到提高。
Farmers contracted land area is larger, but the actual farming area is less than the contract area. 农户承包的耕地面积较大,但农户实际耕种的面积小于承包面积。